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CMS Grading Policy

Central Middle School Grading & Reporting 

Associated Grades and their meaning:

  • A = Mastery Level of Achievement 

  • EXCEEDS proficiency of learning target/outcomes

  • Completed ALL of the course objectives 

  •   No or minor errors in completed work

  • B = Proficient Level of Achievement 

  • VERY GOOD comprehension of learning targets/outcomes

  • Completed ALMOST  all of the course objectives 

  • Few errors/gaps in completed work

  • C = Acceptable Level of Achievement     

  • ACCEPTABLE understanding of learning targets/outcomes

  • Completed SOME of the course objectives

  • Several errors/gaps in completed work        

  • D = Minimal Level of Achievement 

Indicates that a student has done below average work and has mastered few of the objectives of the course.

  • LIMITED understanding of learning  

  • Completed FEW of the course objectives

  • EXTENSIVE errors/gaps in completed work

  • Dependent on support to meet Essential Outcome

  • E = Experiencing serious difficulty of Understanding Grade Level Objectives  

  • UNSUCCESSFUL understanding of learning targets/outcomes

  • Minimal / no evidence that learning has taken place

  • Requires support to meet Essential Outcome

Progress in key concepts and work habits is reported in terms of: 


Meeting Expectations 

Not Meeting Expectations 

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