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School Council

Elections took place at the October meeting and all positions have been filled.  Thank you to the 2019/2020 Parent Council members. 

Chairman - Glen Trefanenko
Vice-Chair - Angela Hewitt
Treasurer - Chaylyn Maciborsky
Secretary - Laura Riel
Director - Jason Kom-Tong
Hot Lunch Coordinator - OPEN
School Wide Representative - ??

Meetings are held in the conference room once a month (except Dec. & June) at 6:30 pm. Everyone Welcome!

Want to know more about what School Council is and what we do?  Email us at   We'd love to hear from you!

Friends of Westpark Association

The Friends of Westpark Association agrees to have the Executive Council for Westpark Middle School Council stand for the Friends of Westpark Association as well.

Association meetings are held immediately after the School Council Meeting.

We look forward to seeing you next year!

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