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Work Experience 

Work Experience Coordinators: Dean Plant, Renee Rudolph & Rene Vandervlis

Students who register in Work Experience are interested in gaining high school credits while learning valuable, practical job skills. One of the goals of this program, aside from a student learning how to cooperate in a team/work site environment, is to obtain a valuable job reference. They work at their job site and learn the kinds of skills and abilities that employers are looking for in an employee. This is done by being punctual, reliable, motivated, enthusiastic and enterprising. A good employee can be hard to find - a work experience student who begins in a learning environment can turn their placement into a valuable learning experience.

There should be NO expectation of pay on the part of the student when they enroll in the Work Experience program. However, the majority of employers are choosing to pay our Work Experience students.

For every 25 hours of work, a student earns one high school credit. A maximum of 15 credits can be earned and used towards receiving a high school diploma.

A pre-requisite module called Health Care Services (HCS 3000) is required by all students entering the Work Experience Program. The module focuses on Job Preparation. This module is worth ONE credit and MUST be completed before any work experience hours can be counted.

The student can begin work when:

  1. HCS 3000 module is completed
  2. A site inspection is completed by Mr. Plant, Mrs. Rudolph or Mr. Vandervlis
  3. A contract is signed by each of the four parties (Student, Employer, Parent & Work Experience Coordinator)
  4. A training plan is in place so the student knows the expectations on the job.

The student is responsible for turning in log books and paystubs to Mr. Plant at the main office at Lindsay Thurber. If he/she fails to do this, any hours earned will not be counted towards high school credit. A final evaluation will be completed by the employer.

If you have any questions about the Work Experience program, please contact Mr. Plant at 403-392-2680, or visit the Work Experience Office in the Learning Commons.

K & E Work Experience

Students in the K&E program must complete 500 hours of total work experience in order to receive their high school Certificate of Achievement..

The breakdown of hours is as follows:

  • 125 hours in semester one of their Grade 11 year (5 credits)
  • 125 hours in semester two of their Grade 11 year (5 credits)
  • 250 hours in semester one of their Grade 12 year (10 credits)

When the student has completed all 500 hours of the program, they are awarded the appropriate Occupational Component credits toward their Certificate of Completion in the K&E Program. If you have any further questions about this program, please see Mr. Plant, Mrs. Rudolph or Mr. Vandervlis.

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