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Studying in the USA

If attending a post-secondary institution in the United States interests you, it is necessary to do your research so you are aware of the programs offered, the costs associated, the philosophy and background of the post-secondary institution, and any other pertinent data you need to make your decision.  

One website we've learned about is user-friendly and provides some comprehensive information on a wide variety of post-secondary institutions in the US.  Perhaps this would be a good starting point for you in your post-secondary research.

This website is a comprehensive and informative resource that ranks each university throughout the nation by size, degrees offered, tuition costs, admission, graduation, and retention rates. This type of information is very valuable to today's students who are not only dealing with the competitive nature of higher education but also the rising cost associated with them.  As always, with any internet resource, use your own caution and discretion at the content and follow up with direct information from the institution itself to ensure accuracy of information. 

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